Professional Endorsements

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robyn Springer

I do not hesitate to refer clients to Jenn as she is both highly competent and compassionate. She is passionate about continually developing as a therapist, and she is committed to serving each of her clients in a way that will be most helpful for them as an individual. She also prioritizes taking care of herself so that she can be most equipped to support clients - yet another reason, of many, for why I value her as a colleague.

~ psychotherapist, and colleague

Dr. teresa gil

I have a lot of respect for Jenn’s therapeutic skills and insight – she has a really nice balance of intellect and heart. Jenn is a grounded, intuitive, and astute counsellor whom I refer clients to as I know they will feel safe, held, and heard.

~ psychotherapist, professor, and author; Compassionate Inquiry colleague


katharina hren

I find Jenn's approach to be consistently compassionate and kind. Thanks to her gentle and steady presence and support I learned a lot about myself.

~ psychotherapist, trauma-informed yoga & mindfulness instructor; Compassionate Inquiry colleague


max the dog

The best human on the planet really. Two paws up. Do I get a treat for this?

~ Chiweenie, client-comfort specialist